
We are a wholly volunteer, 501(c)3 organization. The full amount of your donation goes to advocacy.


Donations help support our work. Please become a sponsor at the level you feel comfortable.

Advocate$400 and more

As has been our practice, these levels confer no benefit beyond the knowledge that you are actively engaged in this work. All sponsors of Rochester Witness for Palestine share an equal status.

The “Donate” button takes you to PayPal’s web site to enter the amount and your details. You do not need a PayPal account if you pay with a credit or debit card. PayPal does not tell us your credit card or phone number.

We seek your support to enable us to continue to speak, to educate, and to act in support of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

Please make your check payable to – and send it to:

Rochester Witness for Palestine
PO Box 18376
Rochester NY 14618-0376

If you are 70-1/2 or older, you can donate directly from a tax-deferred account such as an IRA without counting your donation as income. Contact the company that administers your account and ask for a qualified charitable distribution.